Although black seed oil seems to offer certain health benefits, this supplement does not replace medication.
People taking medication should talk to their doctor before using herbal supplements, such as black seed oil.
The doctor can advise on possible interactions with the medication and also discuss the potential benefits and side effects of the supplement. It is essential never to stop taking medication without a doctor’s advice.
As with any supplement, pregnant or breastfeeding women should talk to their doctor to see if black seed oil is right for them before using it.
With topical use, black seed oil can cause an allergic rash in some people. Therefore, it is vital to test it on a small patch of skin first to ensure that it does not trigger a reaction.
People must also take care to keep the oil away from the eyes, nostrils, and other sensitive body parts.
Swallowing black seed oil can sometimes lead to digestive problems, such as stomach upset, constipation, and vomiting.
To get the safest and most beneficial black seed oil, always choose high-quality, organic black seed oil that is 100-percent pure, therapeutic grade, and USDA certified.
What is Black Seed Oil Good For?
Black seed oil has been used to treat an array of medical conditions, including asthma, high blood pressure, diabetes, inflammation, cough, headache, eczema, fever, dizziness, and the flu. … It may also help improve blood pressure, blood lipids, and even fight cancer, says Ferrari.
Tabassam Rizwan –
it is really Nice Quality Product Black Seed Oil (kalonji ka tail). thanks islamghar