As Muslims we are commanded by Allah to constantly be reading and reflecting from the verses of the Quran. However, at times when we aren’t native to the Arabic language, we can feel discouraged from not understanding the themes presented. This has now been made a lot easier and thought provoking with this beautiful effort in front of you. Br. Hasan has done all the legwork of categorizing the verses in the Quran into underlying themes of truth and falsehood. This gives us a strong understanding of what the verse is communicating without the reader needing to be well versed in Arabic. This book will suffice in familiarizing a reader with the main concepts of Islam and what Allah is actually saying. With chapter summaries at the beginning of each theme and the references for all the verses, this is a must have in every Muslim’s life. It will be useful to use as an encyclopedic work to look up all the verses under different concepts easily and will lead you to conclusions maybe otherwise devoid of. There have been many blessed and amazing efforts of trying to make the meanings of the Quran more accessible to everyone, and this by far is one of the best and most useful works I have come across